Descent Journeys In The Dark - 2nd Edition

Kun jij de donker overleven? Descent: Journeys in the Dark is een episch avonturen bordspel dat zich in een kerker afspeelt. Spelers wanen zich in de wereld van Runebound waar ze beginnen aan een avontuur in een oud ondergronds labyrint genaamd the Dark! Helden vechten tegen de mystieke Overlords en groeien in kracht als ze steeds verder de kerker in komen. Deze Second Edition is een update van het oorspronkelijke bordspel met enkele vernieuwingen zoals nieuwe helden, monsters en spelregels.

  •   Deze editie is in het Engels.
  •   Geschikt voor 1 - 5 spelers.
  •   Je bent ongeveer 120 min. aan het spelen.
  •   Vanaf 14 jaar is dit spel te spelen.
Ai! Dit product is momenteel niet leverbaar.

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Fantastisch spel: 4+


Moeilijkheidsgraad: 3,21 / 5

Aangeraden voor 2 - 5 spelers

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Kun jij de donker overleven? Descent: Journeys in the Dark is een episch avonturen bordspel dat zich in een kerker afspeelt. Spelers wanen zich in de wereld van Runebound waar ze beginnen aan een avontuur in een oud ondergronds labyrint genaamd the Dark! Helden vechten tegen de mystieke Overlords en groeien in kracht als ze steeds verder de kerker in komen. Deze Second Edition is een update van het oorspronkelijke bordspel met enkele vernieuwingen zoals nieuwe helden, monsters en spelregels.

Naam Descent Journeys In The Dark - 2nd Edition
EAN 9781616611897
Taal Engels
Aantal spelers 1 - 5
Speeltijd 120 min.
Minimale leeftijd 14 jaar
Uitgever Fantasy Flight Games

Descent Journeys In The Dark - 2nd Edition uitbreidingen


Descent: Shadow of Nerekhall

Recovered from its times of trouble and under heavy threat from the Daqan Lords, the city of Nerekhall stands firm in its declaration: “The shadow has passed.” Yet sinister forces continue to build strength within the hidden corners of the city. They prepare for the day soon to come when Nerekhall, the baronies, and all of Terrinoth will tremble before their might. Shadow of Nerekhall is an expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition, inviting players to enter the city of Nerekhall – a thriving town with an evil reputation. This expansion introduces new heroes, classes, quests, monsters, and more, as the heroes travel through the city, attempting to save it from the demonic creatures entering Nerekhall from the Black Realm. This is not a standalone product. It requires a copy of Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition to play.


Descent: The Trollfens

The vicious Bol’Goreth rampages through the wildlands at the edge of the Valdari Marsh, and those left in his wake babble terrifying tales of destruction. However, dark rumors hint at something more sinister behind the simple-minded brutality: something horrific that threatens to spill out across the realm. The Trollfens is an expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition that introduces new heroes, monsters, classes, quests, and more. Heroes can discover and investigate secret rooms and rumors while the overlord spreads infection and brings a powerful new lieutenant into play: the massive troll Bol’Goreth! This is not a standalone product. It requires a copy of Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition to play.


Descent: Manor of Ravens

Manor of Ravens is a expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition, inviting you to travel to a haunted manor house and battle the guardian that waits within. The overlord gains a host of new material in this expansion, including two new classes of Overlord cards, new monsters, and deadly new relics that can be wielded by monsters. The overlord even gains his first servant – a creature that can be summoned into play, similar to the heroes’ familiar. The heroes also receive powerful new assets in Manor of Ravens, gaining access to two new heroes and new hero classes for Warriors and Scouts. This is not a standalone product. It requires a copy of Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition to play.


Descent: Mists of Bilehall

Venture into the Mistlands of Terrinoth in Mists of Bilehall, a new expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark! A full, one-act campaign is included in this expansion, chronicling the heroes’ adventures and the dark deeds perpetrated in this misty realm. What’s more, no new heroes or hero classes are included in this Descent expansion: instead, Mists of Bilehall has been configured to enhance the power of the overlord. To that end, your army swells with twelve sculpted plastic figures – six reanimates, three broodwalkers, and three bone horrors. The very ground may give way beneath the heroes with the introduction of old walls and crumbling terrain, while the evil of Bilehall influences the heroes through the introduction of tainted cards. Even the doughtiest heroes will be hard-pressed to survive in this land of mist and half-truths. Enter Waiqar’s domain in Mists of Bilehall! This is not a standalone product. It requires a copy of Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition to play.


Descent: Lost Legends

Now discover ancient knowledge lost for centuries with the Lost Legends expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark! Lost Legends  includes new class options for players venturing into the dark, including two new standard classes and eight new hybrid classes. This expansion opens up hundreds of new hero and class combinations for you to discover as you continue your adventures in Terrinoth! This is not a standalone product. It requires a copy of Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition to play.