Humans!!! 3 - ZombieCon

Game description from the publisher:
Humans!!! 3: ZombieCon moves the brain-munching action to the happiest place on earth. That's right – your zombies have decided to look for lunch at the local gaming convention. Will you eat the CCG player? Maybe the RPG fan would be easier to catch. If all else fails security looks tasty! So many choices!
Humans!!! 3: ZombieCon lets players explore a large gaming convention looking for more brains to eat or candidates to convert. This expansion also adds a new card type called "Personalities" that determine WHO you encounter and how much "fight" they have in them.

  •   Deze editie is in het Engels.
  •   Geschikt voor 2 - 6 spelers.
  •   Je bent ongeveer 60 min. aan het spelen.
  •   Vanaf 12 jaar is dit spel te spelen.
Ai! Dit product is momenteel niet leverbaar.

  Op basis van 34 ervaringen op het toonaangevende

Erg goed spel: 3+


Moeilijkheidsgraad: 2,00 / 5

Game description from the publisher:
Humans!!! 3: ZombieCon moves the brain-munching action to the happiest place on earth. That's right – your zombies have decided to look for lunch at the local gaming convention. Will you eat the CCG player? Maybe the RPG fan would be easier to catch. If all else fails security looks tasty! So many choices!
Humans!!! 3: ZombieCon lets players explore a large gaming convention looking for more brains to eat or candidates to convert. This expansion also adds a new card type called "Personalities" that determine WHO you encounter and how much "fight" they have in them.

Naam Humans!!! 3 - ZombieCon
EAN 823973022028
Taal Engels
Aantal spelers 2 - 6
Speeltijd 60 min.
Minimale leeftijd 12 jaar
Uitgever Twilight Creations Inc

Basisspel voor Humans!!! 3 - ZombieCon



You used to be a musician doctor miner cheerleader etc. but now you are a zombie and these pesky humans keep trying to kill you. But why? All you want is some nice delicious brains. They have plenty. Perhaps if you infected more humans it wouldn't be such a problem...In Humans!!! you choose a Zombie and your abilities are determined based on your pre-zombie occupation. Now you wander around town trying to infect as many people as you can to help with your cause.This game is compatible with Zombies!!! where players can choose to play the humans or the zombies.Part of the Zombies!!! series.Expanded by Humans!!! 2 - Sea Food Humans!!! 3 - ZombieCon and Humans!!! 4 - Camp Zombie Lake.AlgemeenAantal spelers: 2-6Speelduur: 60 min.Leeftijd: 0+Taal: EngelsSoort spelType/Thema: Fighting Horror Humor ZombiesMechanisme: Hand Management Tile Placement Variable Player PowersMakersOntwerper: Todd Breitenstein Kerry Breitenstein

€ 40,75