Level Up Loot 2
Level up your collection of Renegade titles with these promo items! They have been hand-picked to add new and unique experiences to your games — some through new game play and some through added ambience.
Contents Summary:
• Altiplano: Alpaca Rider Role Tile
• Architects of the West Kingdom: 2 Promo Cards
• Clank! In! Space!: Cruel Doctor Promo Card
• Upgraded Ex Libris: First Player Marker
• Gates of Delirium: Sacrificial Fire Mini Expansion
• Junk Orbit: Tours Mini Expansion
• Lanterns Dice: The Legendary Lakes Scorepad
• Paladins of the West Kingdom 5 Promo Cards
• The Tea Dragon Society Card Game: Jasmine First Player Marker
• Terror Below: Renegade Racer Pawn
• Time Chase: Time Travel Car Pawn
• Rules Sheet
Level Up Loot 2 aanbiedingen:
- Bezorgkosten: € 6,00
- Levertijd: Voor 16:00 besteld, volgende werkdag in huis.
Level up your collection of Renegade titles with these promo items! They have been hand-picked to add new and unique experiences to your games — some through new game play and some through added ambience.
Contents Summary:
• Altiplano: Alpaca Rider Role Tile
• Architects of the West Kingdom: 2 Promo Cards
• Clank! In! Space!: Cruel Doctor Promo Card
• Upgraded Ex Libris: First Player Marker
• Gates of Delirium: Sacrificial Fire Mini Expansion
• Junk Orbit: Tours Mini Expansion
• Lanterns Dice: The Legendary Lakes Scorepad
• Paladins of the West Kingdom 5 Promo Cards
• The Tea Dragon Society Card Game: Jasmine First Player Marker
• Terror Below: Renegade Racer Pawn
• Time Chase: Time Travel Car Pawn
• Rules Sheet
Naam | Level Up Loot 2 |
EAN | 810011720466 |
Uitgever | Renegade Game Studios |
Basisspellen voor Level Up Loot 2

Paladijnen Van Het Westelijk Koninkrijk
Paladijnen van het Westelijk Koninkrijk speelt zich af in een turbulente tijd in het West-Frankische Rijk, rond het jaar 900. Ondanks verwoede pogingen om de stad op te bouwen, worden omliggende gemeentes bedreigd door buitenstaanders. Saracenen verkennen de grenzen, terwijl de Vikingen rijkdom en vee plunderen. Zelfs de Byzantijnen uit het Oosten laten hun donkere kant zien. Als nobele mannen en vrouwen proberen de spelers arbeiders uit de stad in te huren, om zich te kunnen verdedigen tegen vijanden, versterkingen te bouwen en het geloof in het land te verspreiden. Gelukkig ben je niet alleen. De koning heeft als wijs man zijn beste ridders gestuurd om helpen bij met onze inspanningen.br/br/Zadel de paarden, slijp de zwaarden, de paladijnen komen eraan.De speler die aan het einde van het spel de meeste overwinningspunten (OP) heeft, is de winnaar. Er zijn overwinningspunten te verdienen door buitenposten en versterkingen te bouwen, monniken uit te zenden en buitenstaanders te confronteren. Iedere ronde vragen spelers om hulp van een specifieke paladijn en huren ze arbeiders in om taken uit te voeren. Tijdens het spel zal langzaam het geloof, de kracht en de invloed stijgen. Niet alleen heeft dit effect op het aantal overwinningspunten, maar het bepaalt ook de kracht van je acties. Hetbr/spel is afgelopen aan het einde van de 7e ronde.br/br/Inhoud:br/- 112 arbeidersbr/- 12 eigenschapschijvenbr/- 32 werkplaatsenbr/- 28 monnikenbr/- 28 buitenpostenbr/- 28 pottenbr/- 4 spelersbordenbr/- 1 speelbordbr/(bestaande uit 2 delen)br/- 1 startspelerfichebr/- 1 grondstofspeelstukbr/- 40 proviandbr/- 50 zilverbr/- 245 kaartenbr/- spelregels

Architecten van het Westelijk Koninkrijk - Bordspel
Architecten van het Westelijk Koninkrijk speelt zich af rond het jaar 850, tegen het einde van het Karolingische rijk. De spelers zijn architecten die indruk proberen te maken op de koning. Ze proberen hun aanzien te behouden door diverse gebouwen in door hem veroverde gebieden te bouwen. De spelers moeten grondstoffen verzamelen, leerlingen inhuren en een scherpe blik op hun mankracht houden. Het zijn verraderlijke tijden en de concurrentie zal niet stoppen om jouw proces te vertragen. Blijf je eervol of begeef je jezelf in gezelschap van dieven en handelaren op de zwarte markt?

Altiplano: The Traveler
A traveler wanders through the South American highlands and brings the inhabitants new ideas from his travels. Anyone who meets him can take advantage of these assets. A public trading point makes it possible to obtain rare goods in exchange for opals. And a variety of fortunes adds even more diversity to life among the mountain ranges in Bolivia and Peru.With Altiplano: The Traveler the planning of moves in Altiplano becomes more important and accessibility to resources becomes more interactive. Above all the assets that may be purchased from the traveller open up completely new ways to increase one's own wealth. But unforeseen fortunes sometimes demand spontaneous decisions which influence planning.Thus the drive for success in this inhospitable region turns into a completely new challenge! Who's prepared for this?—description from the publisher

Terror Below
Terror Below is a game of government experiments gone wild in the Nevada desert. The faster you move, the more vibrations you make, attracting the attention of the vicious worms underground. Navigate the difficult terrain to collect valuable worm eggs and deliver them to locations around town to claim bounties. If you’re feeling lucky, collect items and weapons to go hunt ’em.

Lanterns Dice: Lights in the Sky
The harvest is in and now it's time to celebrate! The emperor has declared that this shall be the best harvest festival yet.In Lanterns Dice: Lights in the Sky players act as artisans decorating the palace lake with floating lanterns and launching fireworks to light up the sky. The player who earns the most honor has made the best impression on the emperor and wins.In more detail roll dice and choose which colored lanterns players can fill on their scoresheets. Earn gifts to perform special actions fill in additional colored lanterns and create powerful combinations. Cover completed shapes with fireworks tiles to score points and put on a spectacular show!AlgemeenAantal spelers: 2-4Speelduur: 30 min.Leeftijd: 10+Taal: EngelsSoort spelType/Thema: DiceMechanisme: Dice Rolling Paper-and-Pencil Pattern BuildingMakersOntwerper: Chris Bryan

Junk Orbit
Space — the final junkyard. Good thing one planet's trash is another planet's treasure! In Junk Orbit you're captain of your own scavenger ship picking up space junk and transporting it to any city that will take it. Launch your junk ... uh *cargo* ... out of your airlock to propel your ship! Race to deliver your cargo as you navigate the orbits of nearby planets and moons! It's astrodynamics for fun and profit! On your turn carry out these three steps:1. Launch junk — Choose any one junk tile in your cargo hold and move it away from your ship (clockwise or counter-clockwise your choice) a number of spaces equal to its numeric value. If it reaches its destination city this way you have made a remote delivery. Otherwise it simply comes to rest after moving its full distance. It is also possible to hit an enemy ship with launched junk causing that opponent to discard one junk tile from their cargo.2. Move ship — Your ship must now move the same distance that your launched junk did but in the opposite direction. When your ship reaches a transfer point between location boards you may choose to switch orbits. If you do your ship changes direction (from clockwise to counter-clockwise or vice versa) as it enters the new orbit. If the space your ship lands on is the destination of any junk in your cargo you have made a direct delivery.3. Pick up junk — After moving your ship pick up all junk tiles present in your current city adding them to your cargo hold. Then refill your current city with one new junk tile from the corresponding stack (e.g. if at a Mars city refill from the Mars stack).Each player has their own ship with a unique ship power that breaks the rules above in some way. The end of the game is triggered when a city cannot be refilled because its stack is empty. When this happens every player gets one final turn then players tally the values from all of their delivered junk tiles and whoever has the highest total wins.AlgemeenAantal spelers: 2-5Speelduur: 30 min.Leeftijd: 10+Taal: EngelsSoort spelType/Thema: Science Fiction TransportationMechanisme: Pick-up and Deliver Point to Point Movement Variable Player PowersMakersOntwerper: Daniel Solis

Gates of Delirium
Could you be the hidden architect of the Gates of Delirium? You have finally set out to find the truth. You’ve heard the rumors of ancient runes and the lost pages of a scattered tome that tell of ancient and evil monstrosities, calling for their return. You’ve heard tales of those who came before you in this search losing grip on their sanity as they grew nearer to the truth. As you press on, you can’t help but notice that you feel less attached to reality yourself. Some days you lose track of time and can’t account for hours of the day. The whispers of secret gates to another world are growing stronger, and while no one knows who is building them, you have a dreadful hunch…

Time Chase
You've done it! You've cracked the code to unlock time travel! Your breakthrough invention has the potential to revolutionize the world as we know it and undoubtedly your genius will be celebrated across the globe. However it appears that some of your scientific colleagues within the laboratory are trying to use your invention to travel back in time and claim the credit for themselves. You must stop them and claim your rightful place in history!Time Chase is a trick-taking game with a twist. You are allowed to travel back in time to previous tricks known as events and change their outcome. The first player to control three events in the timeline wins!—description from the publisherAlgemeenAantal spelers: 3-6Speelduur: 30 min.Leeftijd: 10+Taal: EngelsSoort spelType/Thema: Card Game Science FictionMechanisme: Trick-takingMakersOntwerper: Jonathan Woodard (II)