Munchkin 3: De Onfortuynlijke Theoloog

€ 12,70

Van dit Nederlandstalige spel is momenteel alleen een Engelse beschrijving beschikbaar.

Publisher's Description
You wanted more Munchkin so here it is! Created by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic... Munchkin 3 - Clerical Errors has 112 more cards for the best-selling game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Gnomes! Try on the Bard class. Face the Tequila Mockingbird the Bad Ass and the dreaded Auntie Paladin! Equip yourself with amazing items like the Chainmail Bikini and the Stab-A-Matic... and show them who's the mightiest munchkinest dungeon delver of them all.
And this set has a special treat. We asked five of our favorite Comic Guys to do one card each. So in this set you'll find:
Phil Foglio's Magnificent Hat
Pete Abrams' Perfectly Ordinary Rabbit
Tom Ricket's Stick Figure
Jon Rosenberg's Fowl Fiend
and Randy Milholland's Redneck Tree!

Munchkin 3 - Clerical Errors is a supplement to Munchkin; you will need the original game to play. Or you could add it to a game of Munchkin Munchkin Fu or Munchkin Bites! instead or mix them all together for a Munchkin-fest of truly mind-bending proportions!

Part of the Munchkin series.

  •   Deze editie is in het Nederlands.
  •   Ook verkrijgbaar in het Engels.
  •   Geschikt voor 3 - 6 spelers.
  •   Je bent ongeveer 90 min. aan het spelen.
  •   Vanaf 10 jaar is dit spel te spelen.

Munchkin 3: De Onfortuynlijke Theoloog aanbiedingen:

  • Laagste prijs!
    € 12,70
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    • Bezorgkosten: € 5,50
    • Levertijd: Voor 17:00 besteld, volgende werkdag in huis.
  • € 14,95
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    • Levertijd: Voor 21:00 besteld, volgende werkdag in huis.
  • € 14,95
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    • Bezorgkosten: € 6,00
    • Levertijd: Voor 16:00 besteld, volgende werkdag in huis.
  • € 14,99
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    • Bezorgkosten: € 5,99
    • Levertijd: Voor 15:00 besteld, volgende werkdag in huis.
  • € 14,99
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    • Levertijd: Voor 23:59 besteld, volgende werkdag in huis.
  • € 16,99
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    • Levertijd: Voor 23:00 besteld, volgende werkdag in huis.
  • € 16,99
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    • Bezorgkosten: € 2,95
    • Levertijd: Voor 23:00 besteld, volgende werkdag in huis.
  • € 19,90
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    • Levertijd: Voor 22:00 besteld, volgende werkdag in huis.

  Op basis van 5.285 ervaringen op het toonaangevende

Erg goed spel: 3+


Moeilijkheidsgraad: 1,86 / 5

Aangeraden voor 3 - 6 spelers

Met 4 spelers is dit spel op z'n best

Niet taalonafhankelijk

Er zijn veel teksten in de taal van het spel

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Van dit Nederlandstalige spel is momenteel alleen een Engelse beschrijving beschikbaar.

Publisher's Description
You wanted more Munchkin so here it is! Created by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic... Munchkin 3 - Clerical Errors has 112 more cards for the best-selling game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Gnomes! Try on the Bard class. Face the Tequila Mockingbird the Bad Ass and the dreaded Auntie Paladin! Equip yourself with amazing items like the Chainmail Bikini and the Stab-A-Matic... and show them who's the mightiest munchkinest dungeon delver of them all.
And this set has a special treat. We asked five of our favorite Comic Guys to do one card each. So in this set you'll find:
Phil Foglio's Magnificent Hat
Pete Abrams' Perfectly Ordinary Rabbit
Tom Ricket's Stick Figure
Jon Rosenberg's Fowl Fiend
and Randy Milholland's Redneck Tree!

Munchkin 3 - Clerical Errors is a supplement to Munchkin; you will need the original game to play. Or you could add it to a game of Munchkin Munchkin Fu or Munchkin Bites! instead or mix them all together for a Munchkin-fest of truly mind-bending proportions!

Part of the Munchkin series.

Naam Munchkin 3: De Onfortuynlijke Theoloog
EAN 8717371240097
Taal Nederlands
Aantal spelers 3 - 6
Speeltijd 90 min.
Minimale leeftijd 10 jaar
Uitgever Steve Jackson Games

Basisspel voor Munchkin 3: De Onfortuynlijke Theoloog



Van dit Nederlandstalige spel is momenteel alleen een Engelse beschrijving beschikbaar. Publisher's DescriptionGo down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.Admit it. You love it.This award-winning card game designed by Steve Jackson captures the essence of the dungeon experience... with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm... or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon...And it's illustrated by John Kovalic! Fast-playing and silly Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And while they're laughing you can steal their stuff. OtherPart of the Munchkin series.Munchkin is a satirical card game based on the clichés and oddities of Dungeons and Dragons and other role-playing games. Each player starts at level 1 and the winner is the first player to reach level 10. Players can acquire familiar D&D style character classes during the game which determine to some extent the cards they can play.There are two types of cards - treasure and encounters. Each turn the current players 'kicks down the door' - drawing an encounter card from the deck. Usually this will involve battling a monster. Monsters have their own levels and players must try and overcome it using the levels weapons and powers they have acquired during the game or run away. Other players can chose to help the player or hinder by adding extra monsters to the encounter. Defeating a monster will usually result in drawing treasure cards and acquiring levels. Being defeated by a monster results in "bad stuff" which usually involves losing levels and treasure.In May 2010 Steve Jackson Games made the "big announcement." Many rules and cards were changed. See The Great 2010 Munchkin Changeover for details. Of note to Munchkin fans the Kneepads of Allure card which had been removed in the 14th printing was added back to the game but modified to be less powerful. Sequels: The Good the Bad and the Munchkin Munchkin Apocalypse Munchkin Axe Cop Munchkin Bites! Munchkin Booty Munchkin Conan Munchkin Cthulhu Munchkin Fu Munchkin Impossible Munchkin Legends Munchkin Pathfinder Munchkin Zombies Star Munchkin Super Munchkin Related Board Games Munchkin Quest Online play Vassal does not support Munchkin anymore. Former link: Vassal Module Pegasus Expansions Munchkin Sammlerbox Munchkin Sammlerkoffer Munchkin Promotional Bookmarks Munchkin Weihnachtsedition - The same as Munchkin but with a promotional button that grants the wearer extra treasure (when worn in December). Online PlaythroughThere's a great YouTube playthrough with Will Wheaton and Steve Jackson (yes the Steve Jackson) found here LINKAlgemeenAantal spelers: 3-6Speelduur: 60 min.Leeftijd: 10+Taal: NederlandsSoort spelType/Thema: Card Game Fantasy Fighting HumorMechanisme: Hand Management Take That Variable Player PowersMakersOntwerper: Steve Jackson (I)

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