Power Grid: Middle East/South Africa

€ 14,95

Power Grid: Middle East/South Africa is a pair of expansion maps for Power Grid!
• For decades there has been an abundance of oil in the Middle East. However in the near future the so-called "peak oil" threatens this area: This is the point in time when the output of the oil wells begins to decrease. Already a few countries of this region have nuclear power plants and that number will increase in the future as the amount of oil from the wells diminishes. Most likely other energy sources will play a part too such as the recycling of plastic waste.
The players start the game with an excessive supply of oil. Additionally the players have access to plenty of natural gas (using the coal tokens of the base game) and a few solar plants (the green power plants). However at the start of the game the players cannot buy nuclear or garbage power plants.
During Step 2 the abundance of oil and natural gas will run dry. Both nuclear and garbage power plants will then be available as alternatives. Thus in the middle of the game the players are forced to adjust their power plant mix.
• The energy supply in South Africa is executed almost exclusively by a single trust which is the seventh biggest energy supplier in the world measured against the production of energy. Roughly 90% of the energy is produced in coal power plants. Additionally South Africa uses a few nuclear power plants and both water and wind ecological power plants.
Because of its size the trust also supplies half of the rest of Africa with energy. Thus the game board contains six international power connections and a lot of available coal.

  •   Deze editie is in het Engels.
  •   Geschikt voor 2 - 6 spelers.
  •   Je bent ongeveer 120 min. aan het spelen.
  •   Vanaf 12 jaar is dit spel te spelen.

Power Grid: Middle East/South Africa aanbiedingen:

  • € 14,95
      Naar deal
    • Bezorgkosten: € 6,00
    • Levertijd: Voor 16:00 besteld, volgende werkdag in huis.

  Op basis van 226 ervaringen op het toonaangevende Boardgamegeek.com

Erg goed spel: 3+


Moeilijkheidsgraad: 3,00 / 5

Power Grid: Middle East/South Africa is a pair of expansion maps for Power Grid!
• For decades there has been an abundance of oil in the Middle East. However in the near future the so-called "peak oil" threatens this area: This is the point in time when the output of the oil wells begins to decrease. Already a few countries of this region have nuclear power plants and that number will increase in the future as the amount of oil from the wells diminishes. Most likely other energy sources will play a part too such as the recycling of plastic waste.
The players start the game with an excessive supply of oil. Additionally the players have access to plenty of natural gas (using the coal tokens of the base game) and a few solar plants (the green power plants). However at the start of the game the players cannot buy nuclear or garbage power plants.
During Step 2 the abundance of oil and natural gas will run dry. Both nuclear and garbage power plants will then be available as alternatives. Thus in the middle of the game the players are forced to adjust their power plant mix.
• The energy supply in South Africa is executed almost exclusively by a single trust which is the seventh biggest energy supplier in the world measured against the production of energy. Roughly 90% of the energy is produced in coal power plants. Additionally South Africa uses a few nuclear power plants and both water and wind ecological power plants.
Because of its size the trust also supplies half of the rest of Africa with energy. Thus the game board contains six international power connections and a lot of available coal.

Naam Power Grid: Middle East/South Africa
EAN 655132005708
Taal Engels
Aantal spelers 2 - 6
Speeltijd 120 min.
Minimale leeftijd 12 jaar
Uitgever Rio Grande Games

Basisspel voor Power Grid: Middle East/South Africa



Vernieuwde editie van het populaire, economische spel Hoogspanning.Prachtig logistiek en commercieel bordspel. Verdien geld met het aansluiten van steden op het elektriciteitsnet. Koop daartoe elektriciteitscentrales en de benodigde brandstoffen, zoals stookolie en bioafval. In de loop van het spel vervang je je ouderwetse centrales door modernere, waarbij ook windmolens en kerncentrales niet ontbreken. Elke ronde veilen de spelers de beschikbare centrales, waarbij je er maximaal één mag kopen. Vervolgens koop je grondstoffen van de markt en sluit je steden aan op je netwerk. Wie er het slechtst voorstaat, mag daarmee beginnen, waardoor hij het goedkoopst uit is. Aan het einde van een ronde voorzie je je steden van energie als je daar de benodigde grondstoffen voor hebt. Daar verdien je dan weer geld mee. Wie aan het einde van het spel de meeste steden van stroom kan voorzien, wint dit spannende spel. Deze vernieuwde editie bevat 2 verschillende speelborden, die elk hun eigen karakter hebben. Verder bevat de handleiding verschillende spelregeltoevoegingen en speciale spelregels voor 2 spelers. Daardoor biedt Hoogspanning Recharged nog meer uitdaging en speelplezier dan zijn klassieke voorganger!

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