Sentinels of the Multiverse Hero Scholar

No one really knows where John came from. He just showed up one day in the Everglades on his houseboat. The gators didn't seem to pay him much attention. Once in awhile one would crawl up on his boat and John would come out and talk to it in hushed tones until it wandered off.
Folks found John strange but it was clear he wasn't trouble. Just a kindly old coot who kept to himself. All sorts of stories were made up about the strange swamp-dweller but none came close to the truth. John Rhodes was in fact the world’s most talented alchemist and wielder of the Philosopher’s Stone.
John had always had an affinity for altering the very threads of existence. He could feel them as they stretched around him connecting everything to everything else. So when those lines drew him to a mysterious glowing stone he knew it was right and proper to take it with him. The stone allows him to twist the lines rather than just perceive them and he can now easily transmute objects into other materials.
John The Scholar mostly keeps to himself though he’s always willing to share a bit of wisdom and a bite to eat with anyone who passes by. However now and again he feels the ley-lines pull and twang sharply which shouldn't happen. He’ll travel from one place to another easing the tension on the lines by stopping the odd extra-planar entity from entering this dimension or keeping the crazed scientist from pulling the moon into the earth or halting the nightmarish legions of a comatose little girl. Sometimes he’ll work with other gentle souls to accomplish his goal - he doesn't mind a little company now and then.
Mainly he just wants to keep things copacetic.

  •   Deze editie is in het Engels.
  •   Geschikt voor 2 - 5 spelers.
  •   Je bent ongeveer 45 min. aan het spelen.
  •   Vanaf 13 jaar is dit spel te spelen.
Ai! Dit product is momenteel niet leverbaar.

  Op basis van 895 ervaringen op het toonaangevende

Erg goed spel: 3+


Moeilijkheidsgraad: 2,38 / 5

No one really knows where John came from. He just showed up one day in the Everglades on his houseboat. The gators didn't seem to pay him much attention. Once in awhile one would crawl up on his boat and John would come out and talk to it in hushed tones until it wandered off.
Folks found John strange but it was clear he wasn't trouble. Just a kindly old coot who kept to himself. All sorts of stories were made up about the strange swamp-dweller but none came close to the truth. John Rhodes was in fact the world’s most talented alchemist and wielder of the Philosopher’s Stone.
John had always had an affinity for altering the very threads of existence. He could feel them as they stretched around him connecting everything to everything else. So when those lines drew him to a mysterious glowing stone he knew it was right and proper to take it with him. The stone allows him to twist the lines rather than just perceive them and he can now easily transmute objects into other materials.
John The Scholar mostly keeps to himself though he’s always willing to share a bit of wisdom and a bite to eat with anyone who passes by. However now and again he feels the ley-lines pull and twang sharply which shouldn't happen. He’ll travel from one place to another easing the tension on the lines by stopping the odd extra-planar entity from entering this dimension or keeping the crazed scientist from pulling the moon into the earth or halting the nightmarish legions of a comatose little girl. Sometimes he’ll work with other gentle souls to accomplish his goal - he doesn't mind a little company now and then.
Mainly he just wants to keep things copacetic.

Naam Sentinels of the Multiverse Hero Scholar
EAN 798304258752
Taal Engels
Aantal spelers 2 - 5
Speeltijd 45 min.
Minimale leeftijd 13 jaar
Uitgever Greater Than Games

Basisspel voor Sentinels of the Multiverse Hero Scholar


Sentinels of the Multiverse Enhanced Edition Basisspel

A mad scientist holds the world hostage with his terrifying inventions. An alien warlord from a far away galaxy brings his limitless army of bizarre minions to conquer the planet. A giant rampaging robot cuts a swath of destruction across the coast destroying major population centers. And who will stand in their way? A team of heroes all with impressive powers and abilities stand between the world and the forces of evil. Will you help them? Answer the call to protect the multiverse!Sentinels of the Multiverse is a cooperative fixed-deck card game with a comic book flavor. Each player plays as one of ten heroes against one of four villains and the battle takes place in one of four different dynamic environments.Each player after selecting one of the heroes plays a deck of 40 cards against the villain and environment decks which "play themselves" requiring the players to put the top card of the appropriate deck into play on the villain and environment turns. On each player's turn they may play a card from their hand use a power printed on one of their cards in play and draw a card from their deck. Each round starts with the villain turn continues clockwise around the table then concludes with the environment turn. Each villain has various advantages such as starting with certain cards in play as specified by the villain character card. Play continues until the heroes reduce the villain to 0 or fewer HP or until the villain defeats the heroes either via a win condition or by reducing all the heroes to 0 or fewer HP.AlgemeenAantal spelers: 2-5Speelduur: 30 min.Leeftijd: 8+Taal: EngelsSoort spelType/Thema: Card Game Comic Book / Strip FightingMechanisme: Cooperative Game Hand Management Solo / Solitaire Game Variable Player PowersMakersOntwerper: Christopher Badell Paul Bender Adam Rebottaro