Zooloretto: Three Extra Enclosures

This expansion was sent to people who entered an Abacus contest in May 2007. It is a postcard that contains three new development boards rules and instructions for cutting apart the pieces. The boards contain these animals: panda chimpanzee and camel.
These 3 development boards are laid out in the center of the game. Each board can hold 2 tiles of the animal indicated. Using a Money Action a player can buy one of these boards from the center for 2 coins.

  •   Deze editie is in het Engels.
  •   Geschikt voor 2 - 5 spelers.
  •   Je bent ongeveer 45 min. aan het spelen.
  •   Vanaf 8 jaar is dit spel te spelen.
Ai! Dit product is momenteel niet leverbaar.

  Op basis van 373 ervaringen op het toonaangevende Boardgamegeek.com

Erg goed spel: 3+


Moeilijkheidsgraad: 1,68 / 5

Aangeraden voor 3 - 5 spelers

Met 4 spelers is dit spel op z'n best

Dit spel wordt aangeraden voor (in %):

This expansion was sent to people who entered an Abacus contest in May 2007. It is a postcard that contains three new development boards rules and instructions for cutting apart the pieces. The boards contain these animals: panda chimpanzee and camel.
These 3 development boards are laid out in the center of the game. Each board can hold 2 tiles of the animal indicated. Using a Money Action a player can buy one of these boards from the center for 2 coins.

Naam Zooloretto: Three Extra Enclosures
EAN 655132003452
Taal Engels
Aantal spelers 2 - 5
Speeltijd 45 min.
Minimale leeftijd 8 jaar
Uitgever Rio Grande Games

Basisspel voor Zooloretto: Three Extra Enclosures



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